Advance Word



Kay Parker

Workshop Starts in: 1 year 6 months

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Become an Advanced user of Microsoft Word: Learn Features that Add Authenticity and Credibility to Your Documents

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Workshop description

Here's the checklist of the documents to be submitted for the global test center quality review,


  1. Provide the date on which your organization was established and date of creation of company website.
  2. Provide a copy of your organization/Institute business registration certificate by federal/district administration body showing proposed test center address.
  3. It is recommended you attach a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID document of the Owner and staff identified as the Test Administrator & Technical person for the testing facility. Make sure these details are consistent and are not changed during the course of the application review. All email IDs of test center staff require to be on company domain. Generic domain email IDs are not acceptable.
  4. Submit test facility photos of existing facility highlighting/showing,
  • Building exterior with the company board & parking
  • Office entry, reception & waiting area
  • Testing area with test workstations
  • Admin station area & neutral background for candidate photos
  • Locker area
  • Provide an uncut, unedited video of the test center starting from the building exterior covering reception, waiting area, test area, power backup, AC inside the testing room, drinking water facility, and Washrooms. Floor plan layout (can be hand-drawn also).

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